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Dec 31, 2019

This is a podcast which picks up a few interesting things that have appeared in the news in recent weeks. In this episode we have stories from world news, and the environment.

In our first story, we learn about the situation regarding the population and the falling birthrate in Japan. You read more about it here:

Dec 30, 2019

In December 2019, primary school children from Nara, Japan wrote recorded and edited English podcasts to send out to the world.

In this podcast, a young boy tells us about his home town and why you should visit.

Dec 26, 2019

Japanese archery, called kyudo in Japanese, is a traditional martial art, like judo, karate, and many other well-known martial arts. However, kyudo is different in that there is no direct opponent. In fact, the opponent can be said to be your own ability to perform the art correctly with dignity and honour.

This video...

Dec 22, 2019

This is a podcast which picks up a few interesting things that have appeared in the news in recent weeks. In this episode we have stories from world news, and the environment.

In our first story, we learn about the heart-warming story of an immigrant without legal papers helping a man in a wheelchair from a burning...