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Mar 19, 2020

In February 2020, middle school pupils from Matsubara City, Japan wrote recorded and edited English podcasts to send out to the world.

In this podcast, a boy talks about rugby, his favourite sport, and in particular about the All Blacks team.



Mar 14, 2020

This is a podcast which picks up a few interesting things that have appeared in the news in recent weeks. In this episode we have stories from science, world news, and sport.

In our first story, we learn that the DNA of rats in cities and towns might be changing because they live in proximity to humans. You read more...

Mar 4, 2020

In February 2020, middle school pupils from Matsubara City, Japan wrote recorded and edited English podcasts to send out to the world.

In this podcast, a girl talks about her favourite manga, Demon Slayer.

Mar 3, 2020

Chinese characters are used in several countries in the East Asian region. Calligraphy with Chinese characters is a beautiful and ancient art form which varies from place to place. In Japan, particular styles of creating this beautiful art have evolved, which include not only Chinese characters (called kanji – 漢字...

Mar 3, 2020

In February 2020, middle school pupils from Matsubara City, Japan wrote recorded and edited English podcasts to send out to the world.

In this podcast, a boy asks the question, "Why do we go to school?" and tries to explain what a school actually is.